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Figma Shortcuts

Figma is the collaborative interface designtool, like the Google Docs of the designtools. With Figma you can design, prototype, review and collaborate on your screen designs right from your browser or the desktop application. View or download Figma via

Show / Hide UI⌘ \
Pick colorβŒƒ C
Quick actions⌘ / or ⌘ P
Move toolV
Frame toolF
Pen toolP
Pencil tool⇧ P
Text toolT
Rectangle toolR
Ellipse toolO
Line toolL
Arrow tool⇧ L
Add commentC
Pick colorβŒƒ C
Slice coolS
Show / Hide UI⌘ \
Multiplayer cursorsβŒ₯ ⌘ \
Rulers⇧ R
Outlines⇧ O
Pixel previewβŒƒ P or ⌘ ⇧ P
Layout gridsβŒƒ G or ⇧ G
Pixel grid⌘ ` or ⇧ `
Open layers panelβŒ₯ 1
Open assets panelβŒ₯ 2
Open design panelβŒ₯ 8
Open prototype panelβŒ₯ 9
Open inspect panelβŒ₯ 0
PanSpace drag
Zoom in+
Zoom out-
Zoom to 100%⇧ 0
Zoom to fit⇧ 1
Zoom to selection⇧ 2
Zoom to previous frame⇧ N
Zoom to next frameN
Previous pagePage up
Next pagePage down
Find previous frameHome
Find next frameEnd
Bold⌘ B
Italic⌘ I
Underline⌘ U
Create link⌘ K
Strikethrough⇧ ⌘ X
Turn into a list⇧ ⌘ 7
Text align leftβŒ₯ ⌘ L
Text align centerβŒ₯ ⌘ T
Text align rightβŒ₯ ⌘ R
Text align justifiedβŒ₯ ⌘ J
Adjust font size⇧ ⌘ < and ⇧ ⌘ >
Adjust font weightβŒ₯ ⌘ < and βŒ₯ ⌘ >
Adjust letter spacingβŒ₯ < and βŒ₯ >
Adjust line height⇧ βŒ₯ < and ⇧ βŒ₯ >
Pencil⇧ P
Paint bucketB
Bend tool⌘
Remove fillβŒ₯ /
Remove stroke/
Swap fill and stroke⇧ X
Outline stroke⇧ ⌘ O
Flatten selection⌘ E
Join selection⌘ J
Smooth join selection⇧ ⌘ J
Delete and heal selection⇧ Delete
Select all⌘ A
Select inverse⇧ ⌘ A
Select noneEsc
Deep select⌘ Click
Select layer menu⌘ right-click
Select children↩
Select parent⇧ ↩
Select next siblingTab
Select previous sibling⇧ Tab
Group selections⌘ G
Ungroup selection⇧ ⌘ G
Frame selectionβŒ₯ ⌘ G
Show / Hide selection⇧ ⌘ H
Lock / Unlock selection⇧ ⌘ L
Measure to selection (while pointing)βŒ₯
Duplicate selection (while moving)βŒ₯
Deep select⌘ Click
Select layer menu⌘ Right-click
Deep select within rectangle⌘ Drag
Resize from center (while dragging)βŒ₯
Resize proportionally (while dragging)⇧
Move while resizing (while dragging)Space
Ignore constraints (frames only, while dragging)⌘
Copy⌘ C
Cut⌘ X
Paste⌘ V
Paste over selection⇧ ⌘ V
Duplicate⌘ D
Rename selection⌘ R
Export⇧ ⌘ E
Copy propertiesβŒ₯ ⌘ C
Paste propertiesβŒ₯ ⌘ V
Copy as PNG⇧ ⌘ C
Copy Page Link to Clipboard⌘ L
Flip horizontal⇧ H
Flip vertical⇧ V
Use a maskβŒƒ ⌘ M
Edit shape or image↩
Place image⇧ ⌘ K
Crop imageβŒ₯ Double-click
Set opacity to 101
Set opacity to 505
Set opacity to 1000
Bring forward⌘ ]
Send backward⌘ [
Bring to frontβŒ₯ ⌘ [
Send to backβŒ₯ ⌘ ]
Align leftβŒ₯ A
Align rightβŒ₯ D
Align topβŒ₯ W
Align bottomβŒ₯ S
Align centersβŒ₯ H and βŒ₯ V
Distribute spacingβŒƒ βŒ₯ H and βŒƒ βŒ₯ V
Tidy upβŒƒ βŒ₯ T
Add auto layout⇧ A
Remove auto layoutβŒ₯ ⇧ A
Show assetsβŒ₯ 2
Team libraryβŒ₯ ⌘ O
Create componentβŒ₯ ⌘ K
Detach intenseβŒ₯ ⌘ B
Swap component instanceβŒ₯
Show components menu⇧ I
Scale viewZ
Restart prototypeR
Show / Hide UICTRL \
Pick colorβŒƒ C
Quick actionsCTRL / or CTRL P
Move toolV
Frame toolF
Pen toolP
Pencil tool⇧ P
Text toolT
Rectangle toolR
Ellipse toolO
Line toolL
Arrow tool⇧ L
Add commentC
Pick colorI
Slice coolS
Show / Hide UICTRL \
Multiplayer cursorsAlt CTRL \
Rulers⇧ R
OutlinesCTRL O
Pixel previewCTRL ⇧ P
Layout grids⇧ G
Pixel grid⇧ `
Open layers panelAlt 1
Open assets panelAlt 2
Open design panelAlt 8
Open prototype panelAlt 9
Open inspect panelAlt 0
PanSpace drag
Zoom in+
Zoom out-
Zoom to 100%⇧ 0
Zoom to fit⇧ 1
Zoom to selection⇧ 2
Zoom to previous frame⇧ N
Zoom to next frameN
Previous pagePage up
Next pagePage down
Find previous frameHome
Find next frameEnd
ItalicCTRL I
UnderlineCTRL U
Create linkCTRL K
Strikethrough⇧ CTRL X
Turn into a list⇧ CTRL 7
Text align leftAlt CTRL L
Text align centerAlt CTRL T
Text align rightAlt CTRL R
Text align justifiedAlt CTRL J
Adjust font size⇧ CTRL < and ⇧ CTRL >
Adjust font weightAlt CTRL < and Alt CTRL >
Adjust letter spacingAlt < and Alt >
Adjust line height⇧ Alt < and ⇧ Alt >
Pencil⇧ P
Paint bucketB
Bend toolCTRL
Remove fillAlt /
Remove stroke/
Swap fill and stroke⇧ X
Outline stroke⇧ CTRL O
Flatten selectionCTRL E
Join selectionCTRL J
Smooth join selection⇧ CTRL J
Delete and heal selection⇧ Delete
Select allCTRL A
Select inverse⇧ CTRL A
Select noneEsc
Deep selectCTRL Click
Select layer menuCTRL right-click
Select children↩
Select parent⇧ ↩
Select next siblingTab
Select previous sibling⇧ Tab
Group selectionsCTRL G
Ungroup selection⇧ CTRL G
Frame selectionAlt CTRL G
Show / Hide selection⇧ CTRL H
Lock / Unlock selection⇧ CTRL L
Measure to selection (while pointing)Alt
Duplicate selection (while moving)Alt
Deep selectCTRL Click
Select layer menuCTRL Right-click
Deep select within rectangleCTRL Drag
Resize from center (while dragging)Alt
Resize proportionally (while dragging)⇧
Move while resizing (while dragging)Space
Ignore constraints (frames only, while dragging)CTRL
Paste over selection⇧ CTRL V
DuplicateCTRL D
Rename selectionCTRL R
Export⇧ CTRL E
Copy propertiesAlt CTRL C
Paste propertiesAlt CTRL V
Copy as PNG⇧ CTRL C
Copy Page Link to ClipboardCTRL L
Flip horizontal⇧ H
Flip vertical⇧ V
Use a maskβŒƒ CTRL M
Edit shape or image↩
Place image⇧ CTRL K
Crop imageAlt Double-click
Set opacity to 101
Set opacity to 505
Set opacity to 1000
Bring forwardCTRL ]
Send backwardCTRL [
Bring to frontAlt CTRL [
Send to backAlt CTRL ]
Align leftAlt A
Align rightAlt D
Align topAlt W
Align bottomAlt S
Align centersAlt H and Alt V
Distribute spacingβŒƒ Alt H and βŒƒ Alt V
Tidy upβŒƒ Alt T
Add auto layout⇧ A
Remove auto layoutAlt ⇧ A
Show assetsAlt 2
Team libraryAlt CTRL O
Create componentAlt CTRL K
Detach intenseAlt CTRL B
Swap component instanceAlt
Empty state toolspage search Empty state toolspage search

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Michel van Heest - Creator of

Created by

Michel van Heest

Designing products that enable others to to create or become more effective Β· Currently Product Designer @ConvertCalculator Β· Prev @WeTransfer, @Awkward & @YipYip.

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Design calculators, forms, and more without code with Convert_, and embed them in Framer.